BSNL Broad band speed increase

Increase Speed of BSNL Broadband connection

Setting DNS For Your Connection
One of the major problems with BSNL Dataone Broadband connection is the DNS servers they provide by default. Most of the time they are very slow and sometimes they fail to respond. I noticed that I am starting to spend a significant amount of time in DNS resolution with Dataone connection, often it is larger than the time it takes to actually get the reponse. Here is a simple solution to significantly speed up your DNS resolution.

Open up the network connection profile and edit TCP/IP settings. In the DNS server address fields, specify the following DNS server addresses: and
Disconnect the connection and then connect again. You are done.

This specifies third party DNS servers which are significantly faster than BSNL Dataone’s DNS servers Do you know the basics of consumer rights in India? If you do then please be kind and help some souls at the Consumer forum. If you don't then visit to get to know what you don't at the Consumer forum


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